Comparison of equality operators in Ruby: == vs. equal? vs. eql? vs. ===

Here is a short explanation of when these predicates are true (From

The == comparison checks whether two values are equal
checks if two values are equal and of the same type
checks if two things are one and the same object.

How do I remember which is which ... The longer the operator, the more restrictive the test it performs
Let's understand the differences with some examples.

Each "abc" below is a different object. Therefore, equal? is false.

irb(main):065:0> "abc".object_id
=> 24173330
irb(main):066:0> "abc".object_id
=> 24165760
irb(main):067:0> "abc" == "abc"
=> true
irb(main):068:0> "abc".eql? "abc"
=> true
irb(main):069:0> "abc".equal? "abc"
=> false

As you might expect, there is a single instance of 1. Therefore, all comparisons are true.

irb(main):094:0> 1.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):095:0> 1.object_id
=> 3
irb(main):096:0> 1.object_id
=> 3
irb(main):097:0> 1 == 1
=> true
irb(main):098:0> 1.eql? 1
=> true
irb(main):099:0> 1.equal? 1
=> true

Interestingly, contrary to the previous case, 1.0.object_id returns a different id each time so it is a different object each time. Therefore, equal? is false.

irb(main):100:0> 1.0.class
=> Float
irb(main):101:0> 1.0.object_id
=> 41452790
irb(main):102:0> 1.0.object_id
=> 41439520
irb(main):103:0> 1.0 == 1.0
=> true
irb(main):104:0> 1.0.eql? 1.0
=> true
irb(main):105:0> 1.0.equal? 1.0
=> false

Since 1 and 1.0 are of different types, eql? is false, and since 1 and 1.0 are different objects equal? is false.

irb(main):106:0> 1 == 1.0
=> true
irb(main):107:0> 1.eql? 1.0 #
=> false
irb(main):108:0> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false

For two arrays with the same content, == and eql? return true.

irb(main):275:0> [1,2,3].object_id
=> 24319440
irb(main):276:0> [1,2,3].object_id
=> 24310220
irb(main):277:0> [1,2,3] == [1,2,3]
=> true
irb(main):278:0> [1,2,3].eql? [1,2,3]
=> true
irb(main):279:0> [1,2,3].equal? [1,2,3]
=> false

For two hashes with the same content, interestingly, eql? returns false.

irb(main):282:0> {1=>2,2=>3}.object_id
=> 24216270
irb(main):283:0> {1=>2,2=>3}.object_id
=> 24210160
irb(main):284:0> {1=>2,2=>3} == {1=>2, 2=>3}
=> true
irb(main):286:0> {1=>2,2=>3}.eql?({1=>2, 2=>3})
=> false
irb(main):287:0> {1=>2,2=>3}.equal?({1=>2, 2=>3})
=> false


Regarding the comment suggesting a discussion of === operator, I refer to the article here:

In summary, === operator is case operator meaning it is mostly used in case statements.
It can mean 3 different things depending on who calls this operator. To clarify things a bit, in a statement like x === y, we can say x is calling === method with the input y.

If a class (i.e., class object) calls === operator, this returns true if the input an instance of the class.
For instance,
String === "abc" returns true. Because "abc" is an instance of String class.

If a range object calls the operator, then this returns true if the input is in the range.
For instance,
(1..10) === 2.5 returns true while (1..10) === 11 returns false.

For the rest of the objects, it acts like == operator.
For instance,
1 === 1.0 returns true because 1 == 1.0 returns true.
Similarly, "abc" === "abc" returns true.


JNK said…
This is really interesting. How about adding === too? I thought it was the same as eql? but check this:

a===b # true
a.eql?(b) # false

Both === and eql? test for value equality and type, don't they? Why do they behave differently?

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